Federal and Louisiana Tax Overview and Year End Tax Strategies

Federal and Louisiana Tax Overview and Year End Tax Strategies
Jerry Schreiber
Schreiber & Schreiber Certified Public Accountants
• Partner with Schreiber & Schreiber
• Chair, AICPA SSTS Guidance Task Force
• Member, AICPA IRS Advocacy and Relations Committee
• Author, An Overview of AICPA and IRS Rules of Practice (http://www.aicpa.org/
• Author, “Tax Practice Quality Control”, The Tax Adviser, November 2012
• Author, Circular 230 Best Practices, The Tax Adviser, April 2010 (http://www.aicpa.org/
• Author, Strengthening Tax Services' Foundation, Journal of Accountancy, May 2009
Contact at: ghschreiber@bellsouth.net
Alfred E. (Ted) Stacey IV, CPA
Ted Stacey is Director of Tax Research for Bourgeois Bennett, L.L.C., a CPA and consulting firm in New Orleans. Admitted to membership in 1985, he handles a variety of tax matters and specializes in tax research and planning. He also edits both the firm's printed and e-mail newsletters.
Ted received his undergraduate degree from Loyola University of New Orleans and his masters from the University of New Orleans. He also taught accounting at the University of Texas at Austin during a year of postgraduate work.
Ted is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and its Tax and Personal Financial Planning Sections. He is a member of the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accounts and received the Society's Distinguished Service Award in 2002 and Outstanding Discussion Leader Award in 2013.
Ted has discussed tax issues on many of the New Orleans radio and television stations and has addressed many local, state and national organizations. After Hurricane Katrina, he talked about tax-related issues on television and radio, as well as addressing various groups. He has also worked closely with the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants and the IRS concerning the disaster and other tax issues.
Ted has been a speaker at the AICPA National Industry Conference and the AICPA Conference on Tax Strategies for the High Income Individual. He has also led seminars for the Society of Louisiana Certified Accountants and for its chapters and member firms.
Contact at: teds@bb-cpa.com