Sponsor Sales
Levels of Support
Level A - $1,500 (Exclusive)
Sponsorship Benefits Include:
- Company name included on meeting notice, website event listing and e-mail blasts (hyperlinks inserted when available).
- Verbal acknowledgement by the NOEPC President at the dinner.
- Opportunity to make remarks at the dinner (up to 5 minutes) and introduce the speaker.
- Company name on signage at the dinner.
- Opportunity to place promotional materials on attendee chairs at dinner.
- Complimentary dinner for 4 representatives from your company.
- Top banner on NOEPC website for 2 months.
Level B - $500 (Limited to 3)
Sponsorship Benefits Include:
- Company name included on meeting notice, website event listing and e-mail blasts (hyperlinks inserted when available).
- Verbal acknowledgement at the program.
- Company name on signage at the luncheon/dinner.
- Opportunity to place promotional materials on attendee chairs at dinner.
- Complimentary dinner for 2 representatives from your company.
- Smaller ad on NOEPC website for 2 months.
Please feel free to contact either me or Tara W. Knowles (admin@noepc.org) should your firm or company like to sponsor one of our upcoming luncheon/dinner events.