Adding Value in the Face of Commoditization & Fee Compression

There are many trends that have the potential to drive down the earning power and incomes of all of us in the Estate Planning Profession. Our expertise is becoming commoditized and our fees are compressing. More than ever before, you need to add value to your clients and communicate that value, differentiate yourself, and look for additional sources of income streams. This discussion will get you thinking about what things you can implement in your practice and will focus on a value added service that everyone can incorporate with ease.
- Overview of a changing landscape
- Business Models May have to Change
- Marketing will need to be proactive
- Client Service Models need to be established and implemented
- New Services will need to be added
- Professional Networks need to be nourished
- Possible affiliations for added revenue streams
- In-depth discussion of a service you should offer: Advance Care Planning and End of Life Planning
- Why this is a gift to your clients and a gift to their loved ones
- Cement your position as their Trusted Advisor
Renée Pastor is the Managing Director and Sr. Vice President, Investments with Raymond James and Team Leader of The Pastor Financial Group of Raymond James. Renée started her career in the securities industry in 1988 where she began helping clients transition into retirement and managing their income for life. She has gained the kind of in-depth knowledge that comes from decades of experience guiding her clients through the ups and downs of the economy and the stock market.
For decades, clients have trusted Renée’s honest and sincere approach to helping manage wealth. With a genuine interest and curiosity about the well-being of her clients and their families, she specializes in helping women adapt to changing life events as well as helping pre-retirees transition into retirement and manage their income for life.
Her goal for clients is to help them achieve the life that they want and to give them that comfort and security in knowing that she is looking out for them. Diligent in her approach, Renée makes sure all aspects of managing your wealth are well tended to – bringing to light the things that you don’t know so they can be adequately addressed.